Warning: For men only

Become the leader you are supposed to be in 5 minutes a day

So you want to be the spiritual leader of your family but don't know how? I've been there too. Maybe you're like me and...

-You are married to a strong woman who knows her faith and the Bible

-You feel intimidated sometimes and think you might not be ready to lead her.

You know you're supposed to be the leader but you don't know how to get there.

The same fights keep coming up. Every time you feel like you've gotten past an issue, 6 months or so later it's deja vu.

You realize that your wife might not be as satisfied sexually as you thought she was.

You've tried to do more "christian" stuff to help your marriage but it doesn't make sense, doesn't really apply to your situation, or you're just too busy to stick to it.

You've tried leading a Bible study with your kids and it ended in disaster.

You really want to be the strong, clear leader in your home but it feels like she would do a better job.

If you can relate to even just one of those (or most of them) I've got good news for you. YOU CAN BE the spiritual leader that your family needs.

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    Warning! You are signing up for a DAILY email newsletter (and sometimes even more). If you care more about minimalism than leading your family then save us both the trouble and DO NOT sign up. You can unsubscribe at any time.